Service Checklist

Our Cleaning Services

Denotes an available extra service.
Vacuum, Sweep, and Mop Floors
Empty Trash
Spot Clean Exterior of Cabinets & Drawers
High-Touch Surfaces (Backsplash, Counters, Stovetop)
Sink & Faucet
Exterior of Trash Can
Outside and Inside of Microwave
Wipe Down Tables and Chairs
Outside of Oven
Outside of Dishwasher
Outside of Refrigerator
Top of Refrigerator
Outside of Stove Hood
Dust Light Fixtures
Spot Clean/Dust Baseboards
Interior Windows & Blinds
Dust Air Vents
Remove Cobwebs
Wipe Down Doors
Inside of Stove Hood
Clean Interior of Cabinets and Drawers
Inside of Oven
Inside of Refrigerator
Clean Inside of Pantry
Vacuum, Sweep, and Mop Floors
Empty Trash
Spot Clean Exterior of Cabinets & Drawers
Sink & Faucet
Shower & Tub
Wipe down Counters & Shelves
Dust Light Fixtures
Spot Clean/Dust Baseboards
Interior Windows & Blinds
Dust Air Vents
Remove Cobwebs
Wipe Down Doors
Clean Interior of Cabinets and Drawers
Inside of Closet
Make Beds & Change Linens (if provided)
Dust Furniture
Vacuum, Sweep, and Mop Floors
Empty Trash
Spot Clean Exterior of Cabinets & Drawers
Dust Light Fixtures
Spot Clean/Dust Baseboards
Interior Windows & Blinds
Dust Air Vents
Remove Cobwebs
Wipe Down Doors
Clean Interior of Cabinets and Drawers
Inside of Closet